As we go through our different phases and stages in life we may be in a hurry to get to the other stage. I remember being a kid in high school and thought "i cant wait to become an adult" and now having become an adult i often think "wow, i wish i could go back to being a kid; no bills, no responsibilities and my only job was to have fun".
It's normal to wonder what life would be like if things were different, if we had a different family, different financial status and even if we were someone else. As a kid i used to pretend to be someone else, i even made up a different name, i was living in a fantasy world. I preferred living there than in the real world, that is, my reality. The truth is that i hated my name, i was uncomfortable with who i was and i thought it would be more glamorous or exciting to be someone else. All of that is okay, its okay to dream, its okay to ask why, its okay to wonder how things would be if we had a different life. It's all good as long as we one day open up our eyes and realize the beauty of being ourselves and living our own lives. My experiences and changed perspective has taught me that, I've had many disappointments and many people who have come into my life at different points to help open my eyes. My eyes were figuratively closed, i was blinded by my pain and had no idea of the beauty that existed in me and in my life.
I have come to realize that you can only learn in life if you are open. You have to open your mind and heart to accept the things in your life and only through these experiences can you learn, grow and be the best version of yourself.
